
Trends in insect based pet food: Podcast of Petfood Industry Magazine

PROMBYX founder Fabiola Neitzel discussing trends in insect based pet food with host Lindsay Beaton from Petfood Industry magazine.


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Growing interest in insect protein in the pet food industry

Lindsay Beaton, host of the podcast 'Trending: Pet Food' by Petfood Industry magazine, invited PROMBYX founder Fabiola Neitzel to discuss insect protein in pet food. 

What is the current status of insects as a pet food ingredient? How do trends in human nutrition influence pet food trends? And why are insects a good alternative to meat in pet food? 

Tune in to get the answers!


The podcast 'Trending: Pet Food' is released every other Wednesday. It is availabe on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Sound Cloud, Stitcher, Tuneln and RSS. 

Link to podcast episode

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